1. Level one: Knowing 10 influential artists: Claude Monet, Edvard Munch, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Rembrandt von Rijn, Leonardo da VInci, Michaelangelo, Christo, Jean Michelle Basquiet
2. Knowing the most important art piece created by each of the 10 influencial artists.
3. A strong ability of understanding and demonstrating the basics of drawing skills.
4. Each student will have learned a strong art vocabulary demonstrating their knowledge of 20 art related vocabulary words.
5. Each student will have developed a strong signature that is a symbol of how they wish to view themselves.
6. Each student will be able to recite and recognize the 4 Bonzo Standards of Art.
7. Each student will develop an appreciation of the freedoms granted to them within the classroom as if the class were their own pesonal art studio.
8. Level two: Knowing 10 influential artists: Bernini, Raphael, Salvadore Dali , Johann Vermer, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Andy Warhol, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, Kehinde Whiley
9. Each student will be able to write a critique using 20 learned art vocabulary words.
10. Each student will have the basic knowledge of working in various mediums including tempera paint, watercolors, charcoal, clay and mixed media.
11. Each student shall demonstrate the maturity to manage and execute an independent art project within 2 months.
12. Level Three: Advanced art vocabulary that includes at total of 40 words.
13. A historical understanding of major art movements in the world and their importance.
14. An in-depth 1000 word hand written report on an influencial artist of their choice, also reproducing one of the masterpieces of that artist.