Below are two masterpieces. The first painting is by Edvard Munch entitled The second is a detail from Picasso’s painting entitled Guernica. To review these artists and their masterpieces go to the Artist’s menu and review the art. Below the two paintings list only adjectives that describe both paintings then submit your answers. You must list at least 6 adjectives.
The Dr. MLK Memorial & Lincoln Memorial Comparisons and Contrasts
Both of these monuments stand very close to each in Washington D.C. Think about why they are there in the nations capital. What importance do they hold and why? Think about how they are similar and different. Apply the elements of design to your thinking such as scale, texture, conceptual thinking, symbolism, color, line,and positive/negative space.
Compose two paragraphs as detailed below and submit.
Write one paragraph comparing the relationships between the two monuments.
Write one paragraph comparing how they are different.
Compare and Contrast The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci and the version of the same painting by Andy Warhol
Study the two paintings below and select the best answer for the questions that follow then summit your answers.
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
The Last Supper (after Leonardo da Vinci, by Andy Warhol